Sunday, September 12, 2010

Twitter cash

1. Create and automatically manage ‘marketable’ Twitter accounts.
2. Generate mass following on each of these accounts using free internet tools.
3. Sign-up to the most popular and profitable revenue generating pay-per-click
websites available.
4. Avoid the pitfalls of Twitter’s TOS and the PPC website’s TOS. In other words –
how NOT to get banned!
5. Spend your money when you have earned it... only joking, that’s entirely up to
you ☺
This is a step by step process and you need to follow exactly the procedure which has
been meticulously crafted for you here. The book has been broken up into STEPS not
Ok, let’s


Saturday, August 21, 2010

chitika secrets

When Chitika brought out its eMiniMalls, I thought they were great. I loved the tabs. I loved the images. I loved the amount of information they were able to squeeze into each unit. And I certainly loved the revenues.
Chitika didn’t replace AdSense units across all my sites — I haven’t come across anything that can do that yet — but on the pages that talked about products, they did very well and provided a nice additional income.

On those sites, I found it very useful to mix my ad systems so that I was making money with AdSense, with affiliate units, with CPM banners and with Chitika’s eMiniMalls too.
But eMiniMalls weren’t perfect. On pages that didn’t talk about products, the units were largely ignored. I tended only to use them on product pages.
And it turns out that advertisers weren’t completely happy with them either.
Even though they were generating plenty of clicks, those clicks weren’t producing large numbers of sales. So the advertisers told Chitika that they wanted more. They told Chitika that they didn’t just want clickthroughs of at least 2 percent; they wanted conversion rates of at least 2 percent.

Now, that’s some tall order. Chitika has no control over what users do once they’ve clicked the ad. It’s not the ad system’s job to persuade users to buy. All a good ad system can do is serve ads that match users’ needs and make the units look appealing.
Chitika’s eMiniMalls were doing that very well.
But faced with the loss of advertisers unhappy at paying for leads that didn’t convert, Chitika was forced to do a little re-thinking.
The company came up with a unique solution.
It created Premium ads — units designed to appear only to a fraction of a website’s users: those who reached the site through a search engine; and those who are based in the United States or Canada.


flipping sites on eBay

this ebook is good for learn how to sell site at ebay


Sunday, May 23, 2010

tutorial bermain rubik

KUBUS Rubik atau disingkat Rubik saja, adalah sebuah teka-teki berantai (puzzle maksudnya) mekanis yang berbentuk kubus dimana setiap sisinya dibagi menjadi 9 buah kotakan-kotakan kecil yg memiliki kelompok warna awalan yang sama untuk masing-masing sisinya (putih, merah, biru, oranye, hijau dan kuning) dan dapat diputar sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan kotakan-kotakan yang acak di masing-masing sisinya.

Cara memainkannya adalah dengan mengacak dan mengembalikan kotakan-kotakan tersebut ke sisi-sisi yang sebenarnya sesuai dengan kelompok warnanya. Permainan Rubik diberi nama oleh penciptanya “Magic Cube” dan dipatenkan tahun 1975 di Hungaria. Meskipun begitu sebelumnya telah ada paten yang serupa di Kanada 1972 dan di Inggris 1974.

Awalnya Rubik diciptakan sebagai alat pembelajaran bagi siswanya untuk menerangkan tentang objek 3D di tempatnya om Rubik ini bekerja di Department of Interior Design, Academy of Applied Arts and Crafts di Budapest sana. Kubus Rubik sejak awal dilisensikan kepada perusahaan Ideal Toys dan sejak tahun 1980 mengawali karir internasionalnya di London, Paris, Nuremberg (wherever it is) dan New York, termasuk produk2 bajakannya… oke imitasi lebih halusnya.

Teknologi Rubik ini sempat pula mengalami sengketa hak paten dari si orang Kanada diatas dan juga orang Jepang , tetapi akhirnya om Rubik bisa mendapatkan US patent-nya pada tahun 1983. Pada tahun 2003 ada seorang penemu dari Yunani yg menemukan cara untuk membuat sejenis kubus rubik dengan tingat kotakan dari 5×5 sampai 11×11.

nah bagi anda yang masih penasaran, bisa langsung baca ebooknya.

download1 download2

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ebook panduan TNX

Bagi anda yang penasaran dengan bisnis online tentang jualan link dengan TNX, maka anda bisa membaca ebook ini sebagai bahan referensi.


Friday, April 9, 2010

making money with facebook

There can be little doubt that the nature of the internet has changed significantly over the last two or three years. Nor can anyone seriously question the fact that one of the most obvious changes has been the rapid and exciting growth of the ‘interactivity' of websites on a truly global scale.

With this proliferation of new websites and blogs claiming to be Web 2.0 friendly, and the stunning growth in the popularity of social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, it is becoming increasingly clear that people all over the world are using the internet as a principal means of communication in ever increasing numbers.

Not surprisingly, therefore, businesses both big and small have also begun to recognize and understand the potential of such websites and networks for expanding their customer bases.
For example, whereas perhaps only a year or eighteen months ago, most large corporate websites were purely informational, many are now being adapted to offer far greater levels of interactivity to both customers and casual website viewers.

Thus it is that more and more customers are able to take advantage of 24/7 ‘Help’ and ‘chat’ lines that are appearing on many large corporate websites with increasing frequency. Added to this, polls, customer surveys, and inbuilt feedback facilities are becoming ever more popular too.
Previously, on the vast majority of websites, such features were almost unheard of. So, there would have been little about the average website to encourage user communication, apart from a simple e-mail address or two line reply form at the bottom of a webpage.

In the same manner, businesses are rapidly beginning to appreciate that social networking websites that have many millions of individual members from all over the world could potentially represent massive market places for their products.

It is for this reason that a site like (which in September 2007 passed 200 million account holders) has become such an increasingly attractive proposition for advertisers to become involved with.

MySpace is still far and away the largest social networking site, and the one that most people are probably most familiar with. Having been originally established in August 2003, it is also one of the longest established of the social networking sites too.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Seputar Pilkada ponorogo

Sebuah situs pilkada Ponorogo, yaitu pilkada Ponorogo dot com akan segera menyemarakkan pentas pesta rakyat lima tahunan. Akan diprediksi, situs tersebut akan kebanjiran pengunjung dalam mencari informasi tentang pernak pernik pilkada 2010 yang akan dilaksanakan sebagian besar jawa timur.